Articles and tips

Are hvac quotes negotiable

Are hvac quotes negotiable

Nearly everybody desires to have a working HVAC system in their house or offices. However, even though it is the wish of many, most times people are always discouraged to

Is hvac a dangerous job

Is hvac a dangerous job

Since the inception of heating and cooling systems till now, the demand for HVAC technician services has continued to remain all-time high, which has led to people all over the

What is btu doe

What is btu doe

It is a normal practice to check the BTU (British Terminal Unit) of an air conditioner to determine its efficiency before making a purchase decision, so many people with or

Why air conditioner are white

Why air conditioner are white

It is not very uncommon to see white-colored air conditioners everywhere. This has been the norm throughout the whole world and one may start to wonder if there are no

Is an air conditioner good for asthma

Is an air conditioner good for asthma?

Asthma is a medical condition whereby the airway in the lungs constricts as a result of the tightening and inflammation of the muscles that surround the tiny airways. This condition

Why do you have to vacuum an ac system

Why do you have to vacuum an ac system

Seeing someone using a vacuum for an air conditioner for the first time may look completely strange to you. I mean that’s quite understandable because vacuums are mainly used indoors

Does Germany have air conditioners

Does Germany have air conditioners

If you are moving to Germany, especially from a place like the United States where air conditioning is nearly considered as an essential commodity, the first immediate reality that would

Can air conditioner go in a dumpster

Can air conditioner go in a dumpster

Once your air conditioner is old and you feel the entire unit is due for replacement, it is normal for you to think of just disposing of it somewhere in

Why are air conditioners on the roof

Why are air conditioners on the roof

Of course, everybody knows air conditioners are usually installed on the side of the building, and seeing an air conditioner on the rooftop for the first time will come off

Does the air conditioner need gfci

Does the air conditioner need gfci

All electrical appliances at some point are prone to electrical shock. If the ground connection of your air conditioner is inappropriately connected with electrical faults, it can lead to shock.

Does ac need to be level

Does ac need to be level

There is a large group of people who assume that the air conditioner should be positioned in a way that it tilts a little bit. According to their assumptions, doing

Does shade help an air conditioner

Does shade help an air conditioner

This question has been discussed for years and people keep on wondering and worrying about this factor whether they are scientists, HVAC technicians, maintenance professionals, or even normal people. People

Does AC defog windows

Does AC defog windows

Everyone who has been driving a car for some time should have an idea that fogging is something that cannot only frustrate the driver but could be dangerous as well.

Can pollen come through air conditioner

Can pollen come through air conditioner

The air duct sometimes serves as a breeding space for molds, mildew, and some other bacteria when we fail to dislodge noticeable water deposits or buildup in them. Although with

Can aircon compressor get wet

Can aircon compressor get wet

To keep your air conditioner running continuously and effectively, you must ensure proper maintenance of its various components. One of the few components that must be routinely checked for maintenance

Why do air conditioner capacitors go bad

Why do air conditioner capacitors go bad

Air conditioners have many important components and capacitors are one of them. They provide an energy boost to your air conditioner units and help them with the startup process. Does